Thursday, November 29, 2012

you......fucking suck

 really you do.

Im actually starting a blog because you are a fucking horrible person.

Lets rewind really quick. I am a normal everyday late twenty something women. I have never been in a real fight and I have never said I hated someone, as a matter of fact noone has ever said they hated me.  I try to be decent to everyone. Im not overly nice but im not shitty either. I have thick skin I'm not offended often. I swear way to much and I'm slightly perverted but for the most part, I'm an average normal person.

I work a normal slightly above minimum wage job, and for now I'm ok with that. The lazy bitch that works with me is WAY over paid for what WE do.

When I first started I was like this lady and I are going to be best friends...A couple weeks later I realized I could not have her as a friend....A few months later that turned into I really really dislike this snotty lazy slow bitch....A few more months and my dislike turned into really really fucking hating her as a person. I have tried so hard to make this work relationship work but I just cant. Now a year has passed and I can barely manage a conversation with her without imagining stabbing her in the face with a pencil.    

I think it is ruining me as a person. I dont want to quit because it is a really good job and one day the pay out will be great. However I spend 8 to 10 hours a day staring off into the distance imagining what type of kinky sex each passing person is into. Its becoming weird.

She is not willing to do any more then she has to, leaves all her work for me and hardly deserves a day off because she hardly does a day of work.  She is the most undeserving person I have ever met, yet somehow she has the luck of an Irish women who blows leprechauns.

Here I have to listen for hours on end about how much money she throws around and blows, all while reminding me that some day Ill make her salery and get to have "nice things".

Last month she goes on lunch and comes back with a winning scratch ticket for 250.00! WHAT THE FUCK...wheres what goes around comes around...MOM! Some shit about do unto others...DAD! If any of that shit were true this bitch would have won a free ticket to view the underside of a bus. 

THEN, she comes to work today and she won an all inclusive trip to las vegas and is taking her 3rd vacation this year.   FUCK AROUND, this has to be a joke. I didnt even know people actually won those "free trips".

If you think im being jealous..Fuuuuuck you! I would be elated if someone won that who actually works at work. Someone who deserved a day or TWO weeks off.  {WTF two weeks! really?!}

SO to the lucky snotty lazy self centered bitch at my work I hope you read this and I hope you figure out this is about you and I hope you change your ways because you are really really hard to deal with and that the constant talking about how great your life is and how amazing you are comes across as arogence and it makes everyone cringe when they have to talk to you.


thanks for letting me get this off my chest